Nomenclature for Factors of the HLA System

July 2017

Compiled by Steven G. E. Marsh for the WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System.

Published In:

The following sequences have been submitted to the Nomenclature Committee since the June 2017 nomenclature update and, following agreed policy, have been assigned official allele designations. Full details of all sequences will be published in a forthcoming report.

Below are listed the newly assigned sequences (Table 1) and confirmations of previously reported sequences (Table 2). The accession number of each sequence is given and these can be used to retrieve the sequence files from the EMBL, GenBank or DDBJ data libraries. Although accession numbers have been assigned by the data-libraries and most sequences are already available, there is still the possibility that an author may not yet have allowed the sequence to be released; in such a case you will have to contact the submitting author directly. Additional information pertaining to new sequences is often included in the publications describing these alleles; a listing of recent publications that describe new HLA sequences is given in Table 3. An additional 1,056 alleles were recently published but have not been included in Table 3 due to space considerations (2). The sequence DQB1*03:01:01:13 was been shown to have been named in error and be identical to DQB1*03:01:01:07. The name DQB1*03:01:01:13 has been abandoned

All new and confirmatory sequences should now be submitted directly to the WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System via the IMGT/HLA Database using the sequence submission tool provided (3). The IMGT/HLA Database may be accessed via the world wide web at :

Table 1: New Sequences

SequenceCell identificationAccession numberSubmitting author
A*01:01:01:11AN00832LT795516,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:01:01:27T7527LT629255,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:07:1016ZZN003LC278464,Li-Qun Zhang, Beijing, China
A*02:6954541300416MF403098,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*02:696N016367651LT883530,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
A*02:6974551500201MF434849,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*03:283N46273LT883662,Marcel GJ Tilanus, Maastricht, The Netherlands
A*11:01:01:07APALT629245,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*11:01:784521000369MF403092,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*24:02:01:14PE117LT629254,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*24:02:103016323904LT883523,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
A*24:14:01:03NT01443MF382091,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*24:3854510905804MF403090,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*24:3864541000210MF403094,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*26:1464510801149MF403089,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*29:104016328558MF419696,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
A*30:1204551500409MF434850,Xin Li, Harbin, China
A*33:03:01:02HORLT795523,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*33:1316331300825MF149935,Zhanhui Du, Qingdao, China
B*07:29759233MF279067,Runying Tian, Durham, USA
B*07:29860793104MF407538,Antonio Balas, Madrid, Spain
B*13:1044521201332MF403093,Xin Li, Harbin, China
B*13:1054541300033MF403095,Xin Li, Harbin, China
B*13:1064531400317MF434847,Xin Li, Harbin, China
B*18:131:01:02016349326LT883526,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
B*27:02:01:04FH06LT629248,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*39:12960785043MF346805,Antonio Balas, Madrid, Spain
B*39:130THC69MF370582,Wei Tian, Changsha, China
B*40:01:02:06TH119LC257725,Takashi Shiina, Isehara, Japan
B*50:54scu22540MF346804,Francisco de Paula Sanchez Gordo, Malaga, Spain
B*52:21:024511501069MF434846,Xin Li, Harbin, China
B*53:01:1349797MF358696,Francisco de Paula Sanchez Gordo, Malaga, Spain
B*55:864541400620MF434848,Xin Li, Harbin, China
B*56:544541300195MF403097,Xin Li, Harbin, China
B*57:91BST89MF399459,Francesc Rudilla, Barcelona, Spain
C*01:02:01:06HOM-2LT795522,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
C*03:02:02:04FH08LT629247,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
C*03:02:175771600971MF362997,Faming Zhu, Hangzhou, China
C*07:109:022049485MF457651,Antonio Balas, Madrid, Spain
C*08:154H170329MF437350,Faming Zhu, Hangzhou, China
C*12:215HG00013126MF142101,Histogenetics, Ossining, USA
C*12:216016324668LT883527,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
F*01:01:02:07IBW9KY704501,Mehdi Alizadeh, Rennes, Frances
DRB1*01:02:13016333837LT883531,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
DRB1*03:1411924-1178-3MF069232,Yuxin Yin, Los Angeles, USA
DRB1*07:811740-1644-4MF069233,Yuxin Yin, Los Angeles, USA
DRB1*13:24116ZZ1046LC278462,Li-Qun Zhang, Beijing, China
DQB1*02:02:01:03BY01502MF417572,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
DQB1*02:102BST79MF461285,Francesc Rudilla, Barcelona, Spain
DQB1*03:01:01:19BY01499MF417568,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
DQB1*03:02:01:05BY01500,BY01501MF417570,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
DQB1*03:02:01:06BY01497MF417573,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
DQB1*05:15516ZZN005LC278463,Li-Qun Zhang, Beijing, China
DQB1*06:02:01:04BY01498MF417566,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
DPA1*02:09H4D1MF285076,Yvonne Thorstenson, Mountain View, USA
DPA1*03:01:02H2F3KY807146,Yvonne Thorstenson, Mountain View, USA
DPA1*04:02H1A8KY807145,Yvonne Thorstenson, Mountain View, USA
DPB1*105:01:01:05DKMS-LSL-DPB1-1629LT718967,DKMS Life Sciences Lab, Dresden, Germany
DPB1*126:01:01:02DKMS-LSL-DPB1-1635LT718973,DKMS Life Sciences Lab, Dresden, Germany
DPB1*665:01HGL00013 KY809063,Rasmi Thomas, Silver Spring, USA

Table 2: Confirmatory Sequences

Sequence Cell identification Accession number Submitting author
A*01:01:02NT01453 ,MF382100,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*01:03:01:02NT01430,MF382080,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*01:17NT01431,MF382081,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:01:01:08BER,LT795513,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:01:09NT01454,MF382101,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:04RML,LT629260,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:16TUBO,LT629261,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:17:02LZL,LT795526,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:18NT01432,MF382082,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:19NT01433,MF382083,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:21NT01434,MF382084,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:34NT01435,MF382085,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:86:01NT01436,MF382086,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:137NT01441 ,MF382090,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*02:291MOV002AN,LT629259,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*02:686016345223,LT883522,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
A*03:06NT01437,MF382087,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*03:07:01NT01438,MF382088,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*11:01:02NT01457,MF382104,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*11:248NT01439,MF382089,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*23:11NNT01442,MF417564,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*24:02:01:08DKB,LT795515,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*24:02:01:12MZ070782,LT629253,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*24:02:43LKT3,LT795525,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
A*24:31NT01444,MF382092,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*24:35NT01445,MF382093,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*24:116NT01455,MF382102,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*24:148NT01456 ,MF382103,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*26:09NT01446,MF382094,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*26:10NT01447,MF382095,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*29:04NT01448,MF382096,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*29:10:01NT01451,MF382098,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*29:37NT01449,MF382097,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*30:70NNT01450,MF417565,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
A*68:20NT01452,MF382099,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
B*08:173016343093,LT883525,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
B*15:08:01KHAGNI,LT795524,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*15:19GEE018,LT629257,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*15:20OLL,LT795528,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*15:1064140313022,KR019012,Talitha de Hoop, Utrecht, The Netherlands
B*27:09FH05,LT795519,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*35:05:01:02GRC212,LT795520,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*39:08CB,LT795514,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*40:04GRC212,EC,LT795521,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*44:12MOV002AN,LT795527,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*47:01:01:03PLH,LT795529,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*52:01:01:02AKIBA,LT795512,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
B*82:01FH08,LT795518,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
C*03:144170629013,MF498776,Talitha de Hoop, Utrecht, The Netherlands
C*07:02:01:03SAVC,LT795531,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom
C*16:111016351240,LT883528,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
DRB1*01:6644321,MF358697,Francisco de Paula Sanchez Gordo, Malaga, Spain
DRB1*01:77016329996,LT883529,Sarah Colom, La Tronche, France
DRB1*14:13GRC-138,KX687279,Konstantinos Barsakis, Palo Alto, USA
DQB1*03:01:01:07T067,LC257858,Takashi Shiina, Isehara, Japan
DQB1*03:02:01:04BY01499,BY01500,MF417567,MF417569,Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA
DQB1*03:231AN00061,LT575652,Steven GE Marsh, London, United Kingdom

Table 3: Recently Published Sequences

Sequence References


  1. Marsh SGE, Albert ED, Bodmer WF, et al. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010. Tissue Antigens 2010 75: 291-455.
  2. Albrecht V, Zweiniger C, Surendranath V, et al.Dual redundant sequecing strategy: Full-length gene characterisation of 1056 novel and confirmatory HLA alleles. HLA 2017 90 79-87.
  3. Robinson J, Halliwell JA, Hayhurst JD, Flicek P, Parham P, Marsh SGE. The IPD and IMGT/HLA database: allele variant databases. Nucleic Acids Res 2015: 43: 423-31.
  4. Li WX, Li G, Yao L, et al.A novel HLA-A allele, HLA-A*02:505, identified by sequence-based typing in a patient suffering from Tuberculosis. HLA 2017 90: 106-17.
  5. Duygu B, Matern BM, Groeneweg M, et al.Polymorphism at residue 156 of the new HLA-A*02:683 allele suggests immunological relevance. HLA 2017 90: 107-109.
  6. Battarra M, Condello R, Galluccio T, et al.A new allele, HLA-A*03:275N. HLA 2017 90: 109-110.
  7. Li WX, Chen L, Yang Y, et al.Description of the novel HLA-A allele, HLA-A*11:229, identified by sequence-based typing in a Chinese individual. HLA 2017 90: 111-112.
  8. Turganbelova AA, Ramilyeva RI, Baimukasheva DK, et al.Characterization of the novel HLA-A*32:95 allele, identified in the Republic of Kazakhstan. HLA 2017 90: 112-113.
  9. Inotai D, Illes Z, Szabo E, et al.Identification of a novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*08:177 in a Hungarian patient and her HLA identical sibling. HLA 2017 90: 113-114.
  10. He J, Zhang W, Han ZD, et al.Identification of the novel HLA-B*27:147 allele by PCR sequence-based typing HLA 2017 90: 115-116.
  11. Yu H, Ji X, Ou G, et al.Detection of a novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*39:119, in a Chinese individual. HLA 2017 90: 116-118.
  12. Chen NY, Wang W, Dong LN, et al.Identification of the novel HLA-B*40:01:41 allele by polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing in a Chinese cord blood donor. HLA 2017 90: 118-120.
  13. Zheng JW, Xie JH, Sun Y, et al.A novel HLA-B allele: HLA-B*40:242. HLA 2017 90: 120-121.
  14. Chang CL, Lin CY.HLA-B*40:247, a novel HLA-B*40 variant, identified by sequence-based typing in a Taiwanese individual. HLA 2017 90: 121-122.
  15. Proust B, Masson D, Proust BP, et al.Identification of a novel HLA allele, HLA-B*41:50, in a French individual. HLA 2017 90: 122-123.
  16. Kuzmich E, Makarenko O, Alyanskiy A, et al.Detection of a new HLA-B*44 allele, HLA-B*44:02:45, by monoallelic Sanger-sequencing. HLA 2017 90: 124.
  17. Li Z, Zou HY.Confirmed the full-length sequence of HLA-B*44:03:02 by cloning and sequencing. HLA 2017 90: 125-127.
  18. Li Z, Zou HY.Full-length sequences of two HLA-B alleles, B*48:03:01 and B*48:04:01, confirmed by cloning and sequencing. HLA 2017 90: 128-130.
  19. Zhao J, Huang XS, Peng SM, et al.A novel HLA-G allele, HLA-G*01:01:01:07, was identified in a Chinese patient with Posner-Schlossman syndrome. HLA 2017 90: 136-140.
  20. Kuzmich E, Tyapushkina S, Alyanskiy A, et al.Identification of the novel HLA-DQB1*02:85 and HLA-DRB1*01:01:30 alleles in Russian individuals. HLA 2017 90: 135-136.
  21. He JJ, Han ZD, He J, et al.Identification of the novel HLA-DRB1*15:127 allele by polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing in a Chinese bone marrow donor HLA 2017 90: 133-134.
  22. Battarra M, Condello R, Testi M, et al.Identification of the new HLA-DQA1*01:15N allele in an Italian patient. HLA 2017 90: 130-131.
  23. Kuzmich E, Nasredinova A, Alyanskiy A, et al.Identification of a new HLA-DQB1*06 allele, HLA-DQB1*06:210, by monoallelic Sanger-sequencing. HLA 2017 90: 132-133.