HLA Alleles
Assigned as of December 2024
There are currently 41,003 HLA and related alleles described by the HLA nomenclature and included in the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. It is now established procedure for authors to submit the sequences directly to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database for checking and assignment of an official name prior to publication, this avoids the problems associated with renaming published sequences and the confusion of multiple names for the same sequence. The dissemination of new allele names and sequences is of paramount importance in the clinical setting and through the work of the HLA Informatics Group and in collaboration with the European Bioinformatics Institute, we are able to provide public access to the data through the websites http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/imgt/hla/ and here at http://hla.alleles.org. Regular updates to these websites ensure that new and confirmatory sequences are dispersed to the HLA community, and the wider research and clinical communities. The need for reasonably rapid publication of new HLA allele sequences has necessitated an annual meeting of the WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System. Additionally, we now publish monthly HLA Nomenclature Updates, both in journals and online, to provide quick and easy access to new sequence information.
Access sequence alignments and files by clicking on the map of the HLA region below
To see sequences and reference information, use the map below to click on the gene whose data interests you. Alternatively, you can access each gene's sequences and reference information directly from this page. The alignments and files provided on hla.alleles.org are based on Release 3.57.0 of the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database .

If you wish to cite these numbers in a publication, please see our citations page for further details on how you can do this.