Nomenclature for Factors of the HLA System
August 2007
Compiled by Steven G. E. Marsh for the WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System.
Published In:
- Tissue Antigens. 2007 70:531-3
- Human Immunology. 2007 68:941-3
- International Journal of Immunogenetics. 2007 34:483-5
The following sequences have been submitted to the Nomenclature Committee since the July 2007 nomenclature update and, following agreed policy, have been assigned official allele designations. Full details of all sequences will be published in a forthcoming report.
Below are listed the newly assigned sequences (Table 1) and confirmations of previously reported sequences (Table 2). The accession number of each sequence is given and these can be used to retrieve the sequence files from either the EMBL, GenBank or DDBJ data libraries. Although accession numbers have been assigned by the data libraries and most sequences are already available, there is still the possibility that an author may not yet have allowed the sequence to be released, in such a case you will have to contact the submitting author directly. Additional information pertaining to new sequences is often included in the publications describing these alleles, a listing of recent publications which describe new HLA sequences is given in Table 3.
A number of sequences have been found to have been named in error. In each case the allele name that was assigned suggested that the allele had a novel amino acid sequence, whereas it differed only by a single silent substitution from a previously described allele. New names have been assigned to these alleles and the original names abandoned, these alleles are listed in Table 4.
All new and confirmatory sequences should now be submitted directly to the WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System via the IMGT/HLA Database using the sequence submission tool provided. The IMGT/HLA Database may be accessed via the world wide web at :
Table 1: New Sequences
Sequence | Cell identification | Accession number | Submitting Author |
A*020117 | KILIMir | AM712907 | Anne Dormoy, Strasbourg, France |
A*0333 | MHHN-574610 | AM778452 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
A*0334 | MHHN-563903 | AM778555 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
A*0335 | 107028 | AM779474 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
A*111502 | BY00103 | DQ473291 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
A*241302 | FRFCB | AM268430 | Anne Dormoy, Strasbourg, France |
A*301102 | BY00146 | EF422076 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
A*3024 | 78175 | AM778131 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
A*9229 | BJ040 | EF685282 | Lei Ni, Beijing, China |
A*9230 | K18125 | AB354233 | Etsuko Maruya, Kyoto, Japan |
A*9231 | 76460 | AM778130 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
B*070207 | MHHAKB-490085 | AM778679 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
B*071802 | DNA78151 | AM778128 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
B*0834 | 99239 | AM778129 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
B*152702 | RA1242 | EF622511 | Min Yu, Chicago, USA |
B*350803 | NT00699 | EF195110 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
B*3580 | F866 | EU056568 | Anna Aureli, L'Aquila, Italy |
B*3581 | FFM86952 | AM778468 | Veronika Brixner, Frankfurt, Germany |
B*4612 | B13403 | EU081878 | Lixing Yan, Hangzhou, China |
B*510902 | NT00701 | EF195108 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
B*5150 | 49916 | AM779473 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
B*5528 | 105488 | AM779472 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
B*5621 | 45112351 | EU079373 | Chi Zhang, Harbin, China |
B*9535 | MHHAKB-438106 | AM778232 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
B*9536 | B13403 | EU081879 | Lixing Yan, Hangzhou, China |
B*9537 | BJ047 | EU099586 | Zhixin Zhang, Beijing, China |
B*9538 | BJ048 | EU091341 | Shuang Cui, Beijing, China |
B*9539 | BJ046 | EU079372 | Lijun Wang, Beijing, China |
Cw*020206 | MHHUDS-587930 | AM778451 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
Cw*0220 | CTM-4697391 | EU080975 | Antonio Balas, Madrid, Spain |
Cw*041502 | NT00664 | DQ525630 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
Cw*0429 | 070214 | AM747469 | Martin Danzer, Linz, Austria |
Cw*072702 | BY00073 | DQ270210, DQ270211 |
Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
Cw*151002 | TBC17874 | AB196346 | Masahiro Satake, Tokyo, Japan |
DRB1*030106 | MHHN-593833 | AM777659 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
DRB1*0337 | BY00232 | EU071682 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0338 | BY00237 | EU084397 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0339 | BY00253 | EU095397 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*040103 | BY00238 | EU084396 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*040505 | BY00236 | EU084398 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*040505 | R030242430 | DQ836315 | Linda Smith, Perth, Australia |
DRB1*0466 | JAMC7746AN | AM773422 | Ann-Margaret Little, London, United Kingdom |
DRB1*0467 | BJ042 | EF687782 | Lin Wang, Beijing, China |
DRB1*0468 | BY00241 | EU095409 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0469 | BY00245 | EU095405 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0470 | BY00248 | EU095401 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0471 | BY00250 | EU095400 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0833 | BJ045 | EU079376 | Wei Li, Beijing, China |
DRB1*0834 | BY00240 | EU084394 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*116501 | BY00235 | EU084399 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*116502 | MMarsh1 | EU090251 | Youri Serov, Indianapolis, USA |
DRB1*1166 | BY00246 | EU095403 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*1381 | BY00230 | EU071684 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*143202 | MHHN-159365 | AM493247 | Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
DRB1*1526 | BY00229 | EU071685 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*1613N | MDA-DR16N | EU078908 | Marcelo Fernandez Vina, Houston, USA |
DRB3*0223 | NSB971105 | AM747470 | Martin Danzer, Linz, Austria |
MICA*01203 | AA-MUC, AM(child1)-MUC, AS(child2)-MUC |
Y18110 | Ekkehard D Albert, Muenchen, Germany |
MICB*00505 | PUM324-95 | AJ606909, AJ606910, AJ606911 |
Rainer Blasczyk, Hannover, Germany |
Table 2: Confirmatory Sequences
Sequence | Cell Identification | Accession Number | Submitting Author |
A*9202 | ML1359 | EU095649 | Ma Luo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
A*9223 | DCI29186 | EU031440 | Sallyanne Fossey, Nashville, USA |
B*520602 | scu01715 | EU080976 | Francisco de Paula Sanchez Gordo, Malaga, Spain |
B*5713 | MHHN-593828 | AM778678 | Peter Horn, Hannover, Germany |
Cw*0344 | 71156 | AM779475 | Juergen Enczmann, Duesseldorf, Germany |
Cw*140203 | ML1806 | EU095650 | Ma Luo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
DRB1*0329 | BY00247 | EU095402 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0417 | BY00255 | EU095395 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*0454 | BY00239 | EU084395 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*090102 | A6 | DQ140279 | Chin-Hee Song, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea |
DRB1*1158 | BY00252 | EU095398 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
DRB1*1520 | BY00231 | EU071683 | Carolyn K Hurley, Washington DC, USA |
Table 3: Recently Published Sequences
Sequence | References |
A*2468 | (1) |
A*68020103 | (2) |
A*9206 | (3) |
B*3563 | (4) |
B*5149 | (5) |
Table 4 : Renamed Alleles
Old name | New name |
A*1128 | A*111502 |
A*2465 | A*241302 |
A*3021 | A*301102 |
B*9530 | B*152702 |
B*3573 | B*350803 |
B*5147 | B*510902 |
Cw*0421 | Cw*041502 |
Cw*0734 | Cw*072702 |
Cw*1514 | Cw*151002 |
DRB1*1466 | DRB1*143202 |
MICA*021 | MICA*01203 |
MICB*017 | MICB*00505 |
- Yan LX, Zhu FM, He JJ, Chen NY: HLA-A*2468, a new allele identified by sequence-based typing in the Chinese population. Tissue Antigens 2007 70:256-7.
- Balas A, Sanchez-Garcia F, Bustamante L, Garcia-Sanchez F, Vicario JL: HLA-A*68020103 shows an eight nucleotides deletion within intron 2 but has normal mRNA splicing and serological recognition. Tissue Antigens 2007 70:258-9.
- Zhu FM, He JJ, Yan LX: Identification of a novel allele HLA-A*9206 by sequence-based typing in the Chinese population. Tissue Antigens 2007 70:257.
- Lee KW: A novel hybrid allele (B*3563) originated from B*350101 and B*4001-like alleles. Tissue Antigens 2007 70:260-2.
- Endres RO, Redman H, Scavello GS: A novel HLA-B*51 allele, HLA-B*5149. Tissue Antigens 2007 70:259-60.