F References

Assigned December 2024

Allele Name Cell ID HLA ID Authors Title Journal Year Vol. Pages Contact
F*01:01:01:01 LCL721 HLA01096 Geraghty DE, Wei XH, Orr HT, Koller BH Human leukocyte antigen F (HLA-F). An expressed HLA gene composed of a class I coding sequence linked to a novel transcribed repetitive element Journal of Experimental Medicine 1990 171 1-18 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:01 WT24
HLA01096 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:01 H58002 HLA01096 He X, Xu L, Liu Y, Zeng Y Identification of a novel HLA-F allele - HLA-F*010102 Tissue Antigens 2004 63 181-183 Dr. Xianhui He
F*01:01:01:01 H58002 HLA01096 He X, Xu L, Liu Y, Zeng Y Identification of a novel HLA-F allele - HLA-F*010102 Tissue Antigens 2004 63 181-183 Dr. Xianhui He
F*01:01:01:01 LOM
HLA01096 - - - - - - Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:01 DE-SMS_A-561904 HLA01096 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:01:02 595 HLA02280 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:03 HAN19-04
HLA02263 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:04 HAN19-05
HLA02271 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:05 HAN19-04
HLA02274 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:06 JHUAA0528 HLA02266 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:07 1408-1038
HLA02269 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:08 BOLETH HLA02647 Hampe A, Coriton O, Andrieux N, Carn G, Lepourcelet M, Mottier S, Dreano S, Gatius MT, Hitte C, Soriano N, Galibert F A 356-Kb sequence of the subtelomeric part of the MHC Class I region DNA Sequence 1999 10 263-299 Prof. Francis Galibert
F*01:01:01:08 MOU HLA02647 Horton R, Gibson R, Coggill P, Miretti M, Allcok RJ, Almeida J, Forbes S, Gilbert JGR, Halls K, Harrow JL, Hart E, Howe K, Jackson DK, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Sims S, Stewart CA, Traherne JA, Trevanion S, Wilming L, Rogers J, de Jong PJ, Elliott JF, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S Variation analysis and gene annotation of eight MHC haplotypes: The MHC Haplotype Project. Immunogenetics 2008 60 1-18 Prof. Stephan Beck
F*01:01:01:08 QBL HLA02647 Traherne JA, Horton R, Roberts AN, Miretti MM, Hurles ME, Stewart CA, Ashurst JL, Atrazhev AM, Coggill P, Palmer S, Almeida J, Sims S, Wilming LG, Rogers J, de Jong PJ, Carrington M, Elliott JF, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S Genetic analysis of completely sequenced disease-associated MHC haplotypes identifies shuffling of segments in recent human history PLoS Genetics 2006 2 81-92 Prof. Stephan Beck
F*01:01:01:08 DBB HLA02647 Horton R, Gibson R, Coggill P, Miretti M, Allcok RJ, Almeida J, Forbes S, Gilbert JGR, Halls K, Harrow JL, Hart E, Howe K, Jackson DK, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Sims S, Stewart CA, Traherne JA, Trevanion S, Wilming L, Rogers J, de Jong PJ, Elliott JF, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S Variation analysis and gene annotation of eight MHC haplotypes: The MHC Haplotype Project. Immunogenetics 2008 60 1-18 Prof. Stephan Beck
F*01:01:01:08 DBB HLA02647 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:08 KHO HLA02647 - - - - - - Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:09 APA
HLA02275 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:09 BM15
HLA02275 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:09 LKT3 HLA02275 - - - - - - Prof. Hidetoshi Inoko
F*01:01:01:09 COX HLA02275 Stewart CA, Horton R, Allcock RJ, Ashurst JL, Atrazhev AM, Coggill P, Dunham I, Forbes S, Halls K, Howson JM, Humphray SJ, Hunt S, Mungall AJ, Osoegawa K, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Rogers J, Sims S, Wang Y, Wilming LG, Elliott JF, de Jong PJ, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S Complete MHC haplotype sequencing for common disease gene mapping Genome Research 2004 14 1176-1187 Prof. Stephan Beck
F*01:01:01:09 RPCI5 HLA02275 Shiina T, Tamiya G, Oka A, Takishima N, Yamagata T, Kikkawa E, Iwata K, Tomizawa M, Okuaki N, Kuwano Y, Watanabe K, Fukuzumi Y, Itakura S, Sugawara C, Ono A, Yamazaki M, Tashiro H, Ando A, Ikemura T, Soeda E, Kimura M, Bahram S, Inoko H Molecular dynamics of MHC genesis unraveled by sequence analysis of the 1,796,938-bp HLA class I region Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 1999 96 13282-13287 Prof. Hidetoshi Inoko
F*01:01:01:09 ABO HLA02275 - - - - - - Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:09 DE-SMS_A-561904 HLA02275 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:01:10 1408-1014
HLA02270 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:11 MT14B HLA02277 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:11 DIC HLA02277 - - - - - - Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:12 1199
HLA02278 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:01:13 KT17 HLA17164 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:13 018381251 HLA17164 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:13 PSCDA0347 HLA17164 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:14 DEU HLA17268 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:15 R17 HLA18019 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:16 R40 HLA18021 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:17 DUR HLA21228 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:18 ABO HLA21304 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:18 AN300808 HLA21304 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:18 AN302593 HLA21304 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:18 AN300646 HLA21304 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:18 AN303164 HLA21304 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:18 AN303037 HLA21304 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:19 KHO HLA21360 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:01:19 AN302642 HLA21360 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:19 AN303213 HLA21360 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:19 AN303212 HLA21360 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:20 DNA-57 HLA22256 Alizadeh M, Picard C, Frassati C, Walencik A, Cesbron Gauthier A, Bennasar F, Verite F, Semana G A new set of reagents and related software used for NGS based classical and non-classical HLA tying showing evidence for a greater HLA haplotype diversity Human Immunology 2020 81 202-205 Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:21 DNA-59 HLA22478 Alizadeh M, Picard C, Frassati C, Walencik A, Cesbron Gauthier A, Bennasar F, Verite F, Semana G A new set of reagents and related software used for NGS based classical and non-classical HLA tying showing evidence for a greater HLA haplotype diversity Human Immunology 2020 81 202-205 Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:01:21 AN303081 HLA22478 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:21 AN303248 HLA22478 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:22 AN300812 HLA29008 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:22 BARB1014 HLA29008 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:01:01:22 AN301103 HLA29008 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:22 AN300677 HLA29008 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:22 AN300521 HLA29008 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:22 AN300676 HLA29008 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:23 GUA-ND
HLA35825 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:23 AN300545 HLA35825 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:24 AN302750
HLA38199 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:25 AN302610 HLA38266 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:26 AN302805 HLA38276 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:27 AN302859 HLA38330 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:28 AN302598 HLA38377 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:29 AN300814
HLA38304 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:30 AN302624 HLA38305 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:31 AN302643 HLA38485 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:32 AN302687 HLA38422 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:33 AN301270 HLA38469 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:34 AN302825
HLA38183 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:35 AN302814 HLA38486 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:36 AN301198
HLA38443 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:37 AN302748 HLA38408 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:38 AN302888 HLA38518 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:38 AN303273 HLA38518 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:39 AN301165 HLA38428 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:40 AN302612 HLA38216 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:41 AN302651 HLA38302 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:42 AN300871 HLA38419 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:43 AN302730 HLA38474 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:44 PSCDA0604 HLA40728 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:45 24011857126HS28053 HLA41225 - - - - - - Dr. Cathi Murphey
F*01:01:01:46 APA
HLA41280 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:47 KWO010 (KAPA) HLA41457 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:01:48 PSCDA0504 HLA41717 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:49 PSCDA1157 HLA41734 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:50 PSCDA0078 HLA41751 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:51 PSCDA0908 HLA41724 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:52 PSCDA0836 HLA41589 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:53 PSCDA0600 HLA41646 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:54 PSCDA0366 HLA41675 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:55 PSCDA0338 HLA42017 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:56 PSCDA0049 HLA42003 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:57 PSCDA1012 HLA41790 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:01:58 PSCDA0228 HLA41803 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:02:01 JHUAA0393 HLA01755 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:02:01 H58002 HLA01755 He X, Xu L, Liu Y, Zeng Y Identification of a novel HLA-F allele - HLA-F*010102 Tissue Antigens 2004 63 181-183 Dr. Xianhui He
F*01:01:02:01 H58001 HLA01755 He X, Xu L, Liu Y, Zeng Y Identification of a novel HLA-F allele - HLA-F*010102 Tissue Antigens 2004 63 181-183 Dr. Xianhui He
F*01:01:02:02 JHUAA0394 HLA02265 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:02:03 1416-1188
HLA02273 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:02:04 1471 HLA02279 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:02:05 JHUAA0527
HLA02264 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:01:02:06 SSTO HLA05914 Horton R, Gibson R, Coggill P, Miretti M, Allcok RJ, Almeida J, Forbes S, Gilbert JGR, Halls K, Harrow JL, Hart E, Howe K, Jackson DK, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Sims S, Stewart CA, Traherne JA, Trevanion S, Wilming L, Rogers J, de Jong PJ, Elliott JF, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S Variation analysis and gene annotation of eight MHC haplotypes: The MHC Haplotype Project. Immunogenetics 2008 60 1-18 Prof. Stephan Beck
F*01:01:02:06 SSTO HLA05914 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:07 IBW9 HLA17561 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:02:07 PMG075 HLA17561 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:07 LOM HLA17561 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:02:08 R43 HLA18055 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:02:08 BARB1520 HLA18055 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:01:02:08 BARB1013 HLA18055 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:01:02:09 DIC HLA21499 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:02:09 AN300647 HLA21499 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:09 AN303033 HLA21499 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:09 AN303029 HLA21499 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:09 AN303050 HLA21499 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:09 AN303111 HLA21499 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:10 TRA HLA21300 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:02:10 AN300300 HLA21300 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:10 AN300312 HLA21300 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:10 AN303053 HLA21300 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:10 AN303043 HLA21300 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:10 AN303073 HLA21300 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:11 DIA HLA21929 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:01:02:11 AN300930 HLA21929 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:11 AN300317 HLA21929 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:11 AN300601 HLA21929 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:11 AN303080 HLA21929 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:11 AN303079 HLA21929 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:12 DNA-6 HLA22339 Alizadeh M, Picard C, Frassati C, Walencik A, Cesbron Gauthier A, Bennasar F, Verite F, Semana G A new set of reagents and related software used for NGS based classical and non-classical HLA tying showing evidence for a greater HLA haplotype diversity Human Immunology 2020 81 202-205 Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:02:13 AN301086
HLA35867 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:13 AN301015 HLA35867 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:13 AN300848 HLA35867 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:13 AN300847 HLA35867 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:13 AN302831 HLA35867 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:13 AN300979 HLA35867 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:14 AN301037 HLA38514 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:02:15 PSCDA1146 HLA41691 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:02:16 PSCDA0906 HLA41760 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:01:04 DNA-77-141-153 HLA22431 Alizadeh M, Picard C, Frassati C, Walencik A, Cesbron Gauthier A, Bennasar F, Verite F, Semana G A new set of reagents and related software used for NGS based classical and non-classical HLA tying showing evidence for a greater HLA haplotype diversity Human Immunology 2020 81 202-205 Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:04 DE-SMS_A-577694 HLA22431 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:05 DNA-50-NAT HLA22750 Alizadeh M, Picard C, Frassati C, Walencik A, Cesbron Gauthier A, Bennasar F, Verite F, Semana G A new set of reagents and related software used for NGS based classical and non-classical HLA tying showing evidence for a greater HLA haplotype diversity Human Immunology 2020 81 202-205 Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:01:05 DE-SMS_A-556449 HLA22750 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:05 DE-SMS_A-577719 HLA22750 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:05 AN301228 HLA22750 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:06 TAB089 HLA32356 - - - - - - Ms. Jessica Etcell
F*01:01:06 DE-SMS_A-555319 HLA32356 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:06 DE-SMS_A-556548 HLA32356 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:06 DE-SMS_A-556966 HLA32356 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:06 DE-SMS_A-603663 HLA32356 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:06 BARB2357 HLA32356 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:01:07 DE-SMS_A-556146 HLA32453 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:07 DE-SMS_A-595732 HLA32453 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:07 BARB2844 HLA32453 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:01:08 BARB3312 HLA33857 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:01:09 DE-SMS_A-556389 HLA35225 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:01:10 AN300532 HLA38267 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:01:11 AN302763 HLA38147 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:01 JHUAA0527
HLA02267 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:02:01:02 AN300522
HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN300812 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN301082 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN302772 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN302597 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN302773 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN301003 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN300309 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:02:01:02 AN300908 HLA35880 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:03:01:01 HOM-2
HLA02276 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:03:01:01 PGF HLA02276 Stewart CA, Horton R, Allcock RJ, Ashurst JL, Atrazhev AM, Coggill P, Dunham I, Forbes S, Halls K, Howson JM, Humphray SJ, Hunt S, Mungall AJ, Osoegawa K, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Rogers J, Sims S, Wang Y, Wilming LG, Elliott JF, de Jong PJ, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S Complete MHC haplotype sequencing for common disease gene mapping Genome Research 2004 14 1176-1187 Prof. Stephan Beck
F*01:03:01:01 PGF HLA02276 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:03:01:02 1416-1186
HLA02268 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:03:01:03 R11 HLA17982 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:03:01:03 R29 HLA17982 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:03:01:03 GUI HLA17982 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:03:01:04 AYT HLA21470 Paganini J, Ramdane A, Gouret P, Chiaroni J, Di Cristofaro J Validation of new HLA-F alleles assigned by Next Generation Sequencing HLA 2019 93 131-132 Dr. Julie Di Cristofaro
F*01:03:01:05 AN302684 HLA34439 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:03:01:05 BARB3443 HLA34439 - - - - - - Mr. Vinicius Stelet
F*01:03:01:06 AN302567 HLA38288 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:03:02 DE-SMS_A-552889 HLA34956 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:04:01:01 1416-1195
HLA02272 Pyo CW, Williams LM, Moore Y, Hyodo H, Li SS, Zhao LP, Sageshima N, Ishitani A, Geraghty DE HLA-E, HLA-F, and HLA-G polymorphism: genomic sequence defines haplotype structure and variation spanning the nonclassical class I genes Immunogenetics 2006 58 241-251 Prof. Daniel Geraghty
F*01:04:01:02 DNA-46 HLA22420 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:04:01:02 AN300651 HLA22420 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:04:01:02 AN302586 HLA22420 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:04:01:02 AN303093 HLA22420 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:04:01:02 AN303055 HLA22420 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:04:01:02 AN303100 HLA22420 Lucas JAM, Hopper SJF, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP 60 HLA class I and 115 HLA class II sequence confirmations submitted to the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. HLA 2024 104 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:05:01:01 T7526 HLA17339 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:05:01:01 PSCDA0336 HLA17339 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:05:01:02 PSCDA0326 HLA41709 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:06 AMALA HLA19135 - - - - - - Dr. Mehdi Alizadeh
F*01:07 DE-SMS_A-603803 HLA33592 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:08 DE-SMS_A-556214 HLA35014 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:09 DE-SMS_A-590131 HLA34858 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:09 DE-SMS_A-595748 HLA34858 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:10 DE-SMS_A-577532 HLA34883 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:11 AN302620 HLA34948 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:11 DE-SMS_A-577738 HLA34948 - - - - - - Dr. Wolfgang Peter
F*01:12 INCA1073583 HLA37646 Romero M, Stelet VN, Binato R, Abdelhay E The novel non-classical HLA-F*01:12 allele identified in a Brazilian individual. HLA 2024 104 - Mrs. Matilde Romero
F*01:13N AN302817
HLA38210 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:14:01:01N AN300997 HLA38138 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:14:01:01N H230579-1 HLA38138 - - - - - - Prof. Faming Zhu
F*01:14:01:02N PSCDA0916 HLA41833 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:15 AN302680 HLA38107 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:16 AN302914 HLA38339 Rowley MV, Lucas JAM, Turner TR, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP The novel HLA-F*01:16 and HLA-F*01:17 alleles identified in hematopoietic cell donors. HLA 2024 103 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:17 AN302916 HLA38197 Rowley MV, Lucas JAM, Turner TR, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP The novel HLA-F*01:16 and HLA-F*01:17 alleles identified in hematopoietic cell donors. HLA 2024 103 - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:18 AN302669 HLA38130 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:19 AN300322 HLA38437 - - - - - - Prof. Steven GE Marsh
F*01:20 SZ-228 HLA40310 - - - - - - Dr. Hong-Yan Zou
F*01:21 PSCDA0052 HLA40729 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:22 PSCDA1116 HLA41764 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor
F*01:23 BMD8288 HLA41755 - - - - - - Dr. Cathi Murphey
F*01:24 PSCDA0799 HLA42312 - - - - - - Dr. Seik-Soon Khor